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Select the best HR solution for your organization
Finding the best solution for your strategy and processes

Our turnkey methodology facilitates the selection process. Our team brings their expertise when mapping your business processes and then identifying the IT environment in which your HR solution will be integrated.

Mapping Technical & Functional Requirements

Mapping out your HR business processes, your organization evolution strategy and defining the IT requirements is the very first step.


It will be important to challenge the vendor's budget and timeline to make sure it's realistic with your specificities.

Go-To-Market & Vendor Management

We'll take care of everything from the RFP, POC (Proof of Concept), system demonstration, sandbox environments, and anything else in relation to your project.


The HR technology industry is quite vast and the way of approaching and selecting the vendor will be determined by your company requirements and strategy.

Vendor Selection

We offer several selection methodologies to adapt to your strategy, timeline and budget: from turnkey methodologies to custom solutions, we have the tools to ensure you select the best solution that brings the highest value to your organization.

More and more companies are being supported in the selection phase of their HR solution. Project success and ROI are determined during this phase.


Let's Chat!

Whether you’re looking for a short-term mandate or ongoing support, our team will be happy to help you transform your challenges into successes.


Take a few seconds to fill in our form and our team will be happy to talk to you about your project and learn more about how we can help.

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